Saturday, September 22, 2012

Presley Trys Out Volleyball!

As a second grader, you have the option of doing girls volleyball through the Y in the fall.  Presley was excited to try it.  I was in volleyball until 6th grade and my sister did it all through high school.  We both encouraged her to give it a try.  To our delight...she loved it!  Here are some pictures from her first 3 games...

Man she is a cute volleyball player!

One of her fans checking her out from below the bleachers!

They play 3 or 6 games every Saturday for 6 weeks.  There are 4 teams of 5-7 girls.  2 of the weeks they have double headers so that's where the 6 games comes in.  The last Saturday they have an Optimist Club challenge and they can win some great prizes. 

There first games were a little rough but they will only grow from here!  It is fun to watch them.  Good job Presley!

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