Happy 10 Month Birthday Monroe!
It's hard to believe she is 10 months old already! Here is a little about her at this point...
Weight - 20 lbs., 12 oz.
Sleeping Patterns - You get up between 7-8 a.m., take a 2-3 hr. nap in the afternoons, got to bed between 9-10 p.m. and wake up 1-3 times a night. You sleep with mommy most nights after 1-2 a.m. Since I have to get up for work, I need my sleep too. It's not a good habit...but it is what it is.
Eating Habits - You still nurse really well right away in the a.m. and in the evenings and during the night. You love Gerber baby food (step 2). You are just starting to eat the Gerber fruits. You have tried icecream (which you really like), coolwhip, and mashed potatoes (which you didn't like). On 9-28-12, you ate a french fry which you really liked. You have never stuck things in your mouth so I was so surprised to see you eating if after I gave it to you. You are eating more and more adult food too - noodles, potatoe soup, potatoes, etc.
Your Accomplishments - You have 7 teeth now (all are through but 1). You climbed up 16 steps. You had got up 1 a couple days before and weren't sure what to do. You figured it out real quick. One night we went looking for you and you climbed up 8 steps without us. When I came around the corner to find you at the top, it even surprised you and you were smiling! When you hear music, you know to wiggle and dance! You say mama and dada a lot and I think you know who is who. You pull yourself up and down really good on furniture and our legs. You wiggle your tongue back and forth a lot when you are excited. You do not like socks and are always taking them off. It could be a long winter. I try and put shoes on more now so you keep your socks on. You were size 3-4 shoes.
We love you baby girl!
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