Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve - Part 2

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve...just the 5 of us!  We woke up, had a good breakfast, spent the morning together and then opened a few of our presents to each other. 

The girls were excited to get these high chairs for their American Girl dolls...

Madison absolutely loves Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.  I found this
Precious Moments we had to give her...she loved it!  It's of a little girl looking down at a nativity!

Next we put gingerbread houses together...

We went to 5 p.m. church at St. Matthew's as the girls had their Christmas program.  They both did a great job!  Presley even had 2 speaking parts that she did a great job with!

We took a couple pictures of the 5 of us after church in front of the tree at church.

We went and looked at a few Christmas lights and then headed home to put out the reindeer food. 

Before the girls took off their dresses for the night, they stood in front of our tree...

Our very cute baby girl was at her breaking point...she was absolutely exhausted!  I have to share these pictures of her...

I did get this one...but was very lucky to get this...

Presley took these couple pictures of Jason and I...

After we all got our pj's on...we opened a few more presents!

Merry Christmas Eve from our family to yours!  We need to get to bed so Santa can come...I think I hear him now on the rooftop!

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