Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monroe's 1 Year Stats!

It's hard to believe Monroe is 1!  Here is some info. about her...

Height - 30.75 inches

Weight - 21 lbs, 7 oz.

Sleeping Patterns -  She wakes up between 7 - 8 a.m.  She takes a 2-3 hr. nap in the afternoon.  She goes to bed between 9 - 10 p.m.  She still gets up 1-2 times a night.

Eating Habits - I am still nursing her and will through the end of December.  We will stop bottles at the end of December too.  She nurses in the a.m., eats baby food and adult food for breakfast, lunch, and supper and then nurses in the evening before bed. 

New Foods She Likes - We started mising vitamin D milk and breast milk.  No more formula being mixed.  I ended up buying 3 containers of formula to mix with breast milk at daycare in a year!   Very exciting!  She is eating more and more adult food everyday.  She really likes noodles.

Her Accomplishments - She knows to how to talk on a real phone or pretend phone - she holds her hand up to her ear!  She is walking quite yet.  She is very good along furniture and down the hallway holding on.  I'm guessing it will be a month or two yet. 

Special Memories - You are learning how to get off our bed.  You do down right but land with a boom.  Good thing you have your diaper on for padding!  We will work more on that!  You have 8 teeth so far. 

Here are some fun pictures I took of her at 1...

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